Sunday, April 8, 2012

Chapter Nineteen: In Disguise

By the time Kate and Eric left for Shackleton Base on the moon, the Alexanders were constructing their third prototype ship.
Men and women from every corner of the Earth had volunteered, and the troop sizes were growing daily. It seemed everyone was willing to help the Alexanders get Lucas back. And, the best way to do that with numbers.
“The problem,” Maria pointed out at the last council meeting, “is that I don’t think the people believe they are going to have to fight.”
She explained to the other members that because everyone believed the Machinists were the enemy that in the long run no one was going to have to fight. Just showing up with a big crowd would be enough. After all, the Machinists were not that big of a group.
Maria warned Sun and William. “If they learn that you’ve been hiding something, it could backfire.”
William tried to defend the secrecy, telling the council that once the people realized the Nekuia were coming they would unite.
“But they still have to be convinced they are coming,” Maria added.
“The proof will arrive with the Odyssey,” he said.
“What if the Odyssey does not arrive at all?” she asked.
“That will also be proof.”
“No it won’t,” she told him. “Some people will choose to believe it was a mechanical problem, or that people on board panicked, or anything but an alien race attacking the ship.”
William did not say another word during that meeting. She was right. And, he knew it.
Sun said she would make a decision at the next council meeting, and then adjourned everyone.
Before they parted ways, Kate gave her own warning. “The Machinists already know. It is unclear how they found out or how much they know, but it is clear that the secret is already out. We can either tell the story, or let someone else do that for us.”
She left the next morning.
Kate and Eric traveled on a small cargo vessel under false names. They weren’t trying very hard to hide.
There were two main docking stations at Shackleton Base: one for passengers and one for cargo. The cargo docks also took passengers, but since it was low-key it was easier for the pair to travel incognito.
As the shuttle took off from Earth and headed for the moon, Kate pulled her hood over her face like any other weary traveler, and tried to get some rest.
But all she could do was replay the fight between her and James in her mind. She kept thinking of the moment when she had her blade at his throat.
Did she do the right thing by letting him go? Did she make a mistake? What was he up to?
She got no rest, which made her look even more like a weary traveler when the two finally landed on the moon. There was no grand celebration for the arrival of an Alexander, or even a small security party waiting for them. They disembarked with the others and walked off to catch the next ride.
Kate and Eric slipped through the cargo bay and approached the shuttle that would take them to Mars. This trip would be much longer than the last, so Kate was hopeful this time she would be able to get some rest. She and Eric were the only passengers listed on the manifest, which meant they wouldn’t have to worry about being recognized.
The two started to settle in as the shuttle departed the bay area. One of the pilots emerged from the bridge to greet the passengers, and most likely tell them some basic safety procedures. Kate pulled her hood down a little further over her face. She wondered if Eric would tell them who she was, or just try to play it safe.
As the pilot walked back, she watched him remove his cap like he was trying to be polite. But instead a holographic veil fell away from his face and revealed his true identity.
Kate immediately stood up. It was James.

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