Kate wore her traveling clothes for Io’s arrival. The silk shirt, hemp vest, leather boots and her great grandmother’s hand guards. She even brought her staff along.
Omari told her strangers would be lurking everywhere, and she needed to look like she was ready for anything. Her reasons were more judicious.
She wanted to steal the key to the shuttle bay. The travel gear had several hidden pockets, all discreet and easily accessible.
Omari led the way to the shuttle bay. Kate was surrounded by guards. Most of who were more concerned with what happened around her, not what she was doing. They were instructed to look out for anything unusual. All were on guard. But, not one was focused on her.
That’s generally how Omari ran things. He encircled his charge with layers of protection with his eyes always on the outside. Even he tried to keep his eyes off Kate. She was watched less on this day than any other.
Omari had given each member of his security team a key to the shuttle bay. He wanted to be able to get Kate out of there if something happened. And, handing over keys would not make things easy. He did not consider several keys a problem. And, Kate knew she would have a couple of days before the base would be able to change the codes for the entire bay.
She waited until everyone was assembled in the arrival area. All the guards were concentrated on the other doors and exits; the other people moving around. No one looked her way. She simply slipped the thin, glass sliver from one of the guard’s belts and quickly tucked in her a small pocket at her waist.
It was almost too easy for her. She started to smile at her own success when the shuttle she had been waiting for began docking.
A sense of relief came over her, knowing someone she could trust was only minutes from her. She let the anticipation fill her with excitement. Then the doors opened and she could see Io peeping out from a sea of guards.
And all her excitement drained away.
Io looked like she had aged years, not weeks. After all the family had been through, Kate understood why. Still it hit her in the chest, and she was left wondering if her face had the same wear.
They walked right up to each other and hugged.
“It’s wonderful to see you, cousin,” Io said, holding her tight.
“I agree.”
Io took Kate’s hands and squeezed them. “I have much news to share with you.”
She slipped a small device underneath the leather strap of Kate’s hand guards. She could feel the cold metal in the palm of her hand.
“I will speak with you as soon as my security briefing is complete,” Io said.
Kate’s eyes widened. “I look forward to it.”
Io smiled at Kate, and then headed off with her security team.
Kate stood in place. It was not like Io to be secretive; she even tended to babble. And, they were Alexanders. They did not need a reason to keep things from people. Their business was their own.
Suddenly, Kate forgot about the key at her waist. Her plans to escape were gone. Her plans to embarrass Omari did not matter.
“Let’s get her back to her quarters,” Omari told Kate’s security team.
As she left the shuttle bay, it was easy to see that something else was on the horizon.
James said nothing. He only glared at his mother as he passed her, and then headed back inside the library. His anger grew with every step he took. All he really ever wanted from his mother was the one thing that had been reserved for Kate.
He almost sprinted back to his office; it was time to take the next step in his plan. He was ready to remove another member of his mother’s council, but something kept him from pulling the trigger.
He entered and sat down at the desk, motionless. He called no one. He sent no communications.
Nevertheless, like a tracker Ceres came knocking at his door.
“I’ve come to ask how it went?” she asked, stepping inside.
“They were on the chamber balcony when I arrived,” James said. “I did not get a chance.”
“It needs to be done today.”
“I know.”
Ceres sat back in her chair and smiled. “Are you having second thoughts?”
“No,” he declared.
“I understand if you are,” Ceres said and leaned into him. “The greatest challenges are always at the end of any task.”
“That is not the concern,” he told her. “We have another problem. My father sent Io’s bodyguard with her to Shackleton Base.”
“Do you have anyone else?”
“No one I trust to complete the job. That’s why I wanted to send him in.”
“If we set the device, perhaps tragedy will bring them both back to Earth,” she said. “We can deal with their security detail from here.”
“It may be too late once they return. Everyone will be cautious,” James replied.
“And suspicious.”
“Is that the real concern?”
“It’s something to be considered.” He stood up and began pacing around his chair. “I will wait till the sun falls before I place the device. Find her at sunset and make sure she is distracted.”
“I will.”
James stopped in his tracks and turned to Ceres. “Why weren’t you with her when I arrived at the chamber?”
“Because she was with William.”
“So, you found her in the chamber speaking with William?”
“Yes, I quickly turned around and left.”
“Then why did you not accomplish the task, distract them both while I placed the device?” he wondered. “Or better still, why did you not warn me?”
“Well, obviously I give you more credit than you give yourself,” she asserted. “I thought you would be smart enough to have already exited when you saw them, but not me with them.”
“I’m left wondering if you want me to get caught, Ceres.”
“Of course, not,” she said, standing up and walking over to him. “We’re in this together.”
“Are we?”
She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in to her chest. Like a mother caressing her child, she ran her fingers through his hair.
“No one in this family has ever appreciated you, or taken care of you like I have.”
James relaxed in her arms, and let himself enjoy the warmth and attention. She was right. No one else in the family looked after him the way she did. Each member seemed to only focus on themselves. He wanted them to be a family, one unit working together. But the older he got, the more he realized it was every man for themselves.
“I’ll set the device today,” James said. “But, I may put our other plans on hold.”
“Whatever you think is best,” she told him, then relaxed her grip and lifted his chin to look up at her. “I trust you.”
She walked around the desk to leave, pausing just inside the doorway to look back and smile. He smiled back, but after she left he turned on his security cameras and followed her through the compound.
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